The Dog Days are over

We have suffered through an openly racist, homophobic, sexist, and all-around disgusting human being for four years, and the nightmare is over. Well, almost. We have legal challenges and have to survive till January… but we can do it!

bye don election 2020

Like many other people, even though I knew it was coming, that final projection on CNN was OVERWHELMING and triggered a burst of emotion. People were crying and yelling and literally dancing in the streets. But Van Jones summed it up more eloquently than I ever could:


I got 2 of my first records when I turned 10. This song is from one of them. We are one step closer to our Future Paradise.

Keep the faith, Trump will be dragged out of the White House if necessary come January 20 and his lawsuits will lose.

And of course, we can’t say “the dogs day are over” without this:






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