Which essential oils are good for what?

Which essential oils are good for what?

If you’re new to aromatherapy, one of the first steps to getting started is learning which essential oils are good for what. This information will help you put together a list of oils that meet your specific needs based on their therapeutic compounds.

Here are some of the most popular essential oils used today and what they’re good for:

  • Rose has a wonderful, uplifting aroma that is great for boosting emotional feelings to improve your mood. It also makes a great moisturizer for skincare products because it soothes the skin, makes imperfections less visible and it promotes a healthy complexion.
  • Lavender is good for helping you feel calm and relaxed by easing feelings of tension and anxiety. It helps soothe dry, irritated skin and it’s great for your hair. It also promotes positive feelings and may provide support for your respiratory and immune system.
  • Bergamot has an uplifting aroma that helps reduce negative feelings and it helps to create a calm and relaxing environment. It’s also used in many skin care products because it rejuvenates the skin and makes blemishes less noticeable.
  • Clary Sage is good for maintaining a healthy scalp and strong hair. You can also use it to create a calm, peaceful environment perfect for relaxing or for easing symptoms associated with your menstrual cycle, including moodiness.
  • Rosemary is a good oil to use when studying because it promotes concentration. On those occasions when you feel extra tired or when dealing with nervous tension it may also help calm your nerves and give you a boost of energy. It makes an excellent insect repellant and it may support the digestive and respiratory systems.
  • Eucalyptus is used to promote relaxation and ease tension while improving your mood. It makes a good mouth wash and skin moisturizer but it’s also a good vapor rub to help make breathing feel a little easier.
  • Basil is good for promoting mental alertness, easing mild anxiety and discomfort associated with menstrual cycles. It also supports the healthy function of your immune system and improves blood flow.
  • Wild Orange is energizing and has very powerful purifying properties so it’s a great oil to add to homemade cleaning supplies. The revitalizing scent may also help ease stress and support a healthy immune system.
  • Thyme is one of the most stimulating essential oils available today and it’s known for supporting healthy respiratory, cardiovascular, circulatory, nervous and immune systems. It’s used to promote good oral hygiene and to support healthy bones and cellular function.
  • Peppermint is great for giving you a quick energy boost and it also promotes healthy digestion, respiratory function and fresh breath. It’s also used to ease tension and to repel bugs and insects.
  • Marjoram is an excellent oil to have on hand when your child has trouble falling asleep. Just apply to the bottom of his feet to help him rest more peacefully. It’s also used for easing sore muscles, stress and promoting a healthy immune system.
  • Sandalwood is grounding oil with the ability to ease tension while improving your mood and emotional outlook. It also makes a good moisturizer to help give the skin a smooth and healthy glow.

This is just a short list of some of the most common oils used but it gives you an idea of how versatile these oils are. Since some of them have similar therapeutic properties, you have a wide variety of scents to choose from allowing you to create recipes that suits the individual needs of your family.


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How do essential oils work?

How do essential oils work?

Essential oils have many uses but aromatherapy is at the top of the list. These oils are believed to have the potential to improve your physical, mental and emotional health naturally by enhancing the way the body functions as a whole. For example, oils that relieve stress and anxiety help you relax and they have the potential to improve sleep patterns. When you feel calm and rested, you naturally feel happier and more energetic.

One of the first things most people learn when using essential oils is that a little goes a long way. These oils are very powerful and contain different therapeutic compounds that offer a variety of health benefits, but do you know how essential oils work? Below is a quick overview of what happens when these oils enter the body.

Inhaling Essential Oils

The brain responds to smells automatically. When you smell something familiar, it often triggers memories. For example, the smell of pumpkin pie might remind you of spending Halloween at grandma’s house or a certain perfume scent may bring back memories of someone you love.

When you inhale essential oils, the therapeutic properties of the oil go to work right away. Here’s why. As you inhale, the tiny particles that make up the oil travel through your nasal passage. The hairs along this passageway collect the particles. The mucous lining quickly absorbs them into the body where they are sent directly to the olfactory bulb in the brain. Here the scent is identified and the sensation triggered by the smell is sent to the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that responds to psychological and emotional feelings.

From here, it travels through the nerves to the part of the brain that deals with hormone secreting and to areas responsible for keeping body functions regulated. All of this happens within seconds of inhaling the oils. You can inhale essential oils with a diffuser or breathe in the steam after adding them to hot water. You can also add them to bath water or inhale them directly from the bottle.

Applying Essential Oils Topically

The skin absorbs the essential oils into the bloodstream very quickly. As it enters the bloodstream, it’s distributed throughout the body where it enhances the different systems and improves the way the body functions naturally. Depending on which oils you use, they may help revitalize and detoxify the liver and kidneys, aid the digestive system or improve skin conditions.

The skin will absorb the oil even faster if applied to the temples, wrists, and back of the neck. Use carrier oil to help prevent irritation from occurring due to the strength of these oils. Carrier oils also make it easier to apply the oil and help it go a litter further, saving you money. Apply to the oils directly to specific areas or use as massage oil. However, be aware that some oils are too strong and should not be used topically.

Understanding how essential oils work once they enter the body has several benefits. It helps you determine if using these oils as a holistic approach to treating or managing health issues is right for you. Most importantly, it helps you understand the importance of using them responsibly.

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Diatomaceous earth: a ‘miracle cure?’

Diatomaceous earth: a ‘miracle cure?’

If you’ve been looking into natural health products and remedies, you may or may not have heard of diatomaceous earth. If you haven’t — or if you’re familiar with the term but simply not sure what it is — here Is the lowdown on this hot natural health trend so you can decide if this is a natural health option you’d like to try. Many swear by its ability to detox the body of metals and parasites, not to mention it has a whole wealth of practical uses around the household.

However, for the purposes of this particular article, we are referring specifically to food grade diatomaceous earth, which is the kind that you can consume. This is a very important distinction we want to make crystal clear before you start eating/drinking spoonfuls of the potentially harmful nonfood grade diatomaceous earth.

Got that, right? Good, let’s move on.

What is Diatomaceous Earth?

FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth is made of microscopic, fossilized diatoms, which are one-celled organisms from the ocean called phytoplankton. While certain algae and ocean byproducts have long been the subject of healthy living discussion because of their high chlorophyll content, diatomaceous earth is unique because it’s natural health claim to fame is its high amounts of silica.

It also has a somewhat abrasive quality due to being composed of the remaining shells of diatoms, taking a honeycomb-like form. These fossilized remains, called diatomite, are found in the earth all over the world, so there is an abundant supply available. Some other names for diatomaceous earth include fossil shell, dinosaur dust, or miracle mineral.

What are the Potential Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth?

Diatomaceous earth acts as a natural silica supplement, which supports healthy bones, hair, teeth, skin, and nails. That alone is some pretty big motivation to give it a try, especially if you’ve ever considered buying pricey silica supplements. Silica is key to collagen production, which keeps your skin, hair, and nails healthy and beautiful, as well as supporting healthy bones.

Can diatomaceous earth lower cholesterol? According to this study, yes, it can. Now, that doesn’t mean throw out your prescription medications and buy a 50-pound bag of diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth clears the body of unwanted parasites. Many studies on different animals, such as chickens or sheep, have indicated a correlation between consuming diatomaceous earth and a significant reduction in parasites. And yes, humans have parasites, as well.

Some credit the abrasive nature of diatomaceous earth for this benefit, which acts as a sort of cleanser of your gastrointestinal system, both of parasitic elements and as a natural, mild laxative. Other cite its negative ionic charge which may act as a sort of magnet for parasites, harmful bacteria, and even toxic metals to flush them out of the body for better health.

What are the Potential Risks of Diatomaceous Earth?

Just in case you didn’t catch it the first couple of times it was mentioned, the first potential risk with using diatomaceous earth is not purchasing food grade quality for internal consumption. There are many people selling packages of this product on Amazon, but be sure they clearly state that you are buying food grade.

Also be sure if you decide to begin taking diatomaceous earth, to avoid inhaling it as it can be very abrasive to the nasal passages and lungs.

How Do I Take Diatomaceous Earth?

As with any new health routine regarding nutritional supplements, it’s always a good policy to start with small amounts and gradually increase your dose in case of side effects and to see what’s the best dose for you. Many people recommend starting with just a half a teaspoon in 12 ounces of water daily in the morning with a gradual increase to 2 to 3 teaspoons daily.

If you experience cramping or diarrhea, it could be you started with too high of a dose, as some users say they had cramping as the diatomaceous earth went to work on parasites and the bad bacteria. Either reduce your dose or take it less frequently till your body adjusts to the cleanse. After all, this is a detox, and as with all detoxification processes, a little discomfort at the beginning is not unusual.

Want to give diatomaceous earth a try? You can check your local health food store or buy it on Amazon. How did we ever function without them? The best deal as of this writing is 4 pounds for $14.99 with Prime shipping available: Harris Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 4lb w/ Free Powder Duster




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